Saturday, September 28, 2013

Shoes you can't ignore

aquazzura lace up shoes, snakeskin lace up
Aquazzura Amazon shoes  s/s 2013 pic via netrobe
You could go everywhere with a plain shirt, boyfriend jeans and a striking pair of shoes like these. Maybe there would be only  few sunny weeks left to wear them but I would wear them any single day. Shoes have the power to lift a casual outfit to show stopper and these are shoes you just cannot ignore. Below you'll see every color available with the snakeskin print because I couldn't decide which was the best and a few other beautiful shoes designed by Edgardo Osorio who worked for Salvatore Ferragamo, René Caovilla and Roberto Cavalli.

sexy thing aquazzura shoes
"sexy thing" shoes pic via

sexy thing aquazzura shoes
sweet like a candy Aquazzura "sexy thing" shoes pic via shoefessional

aquazzura snakeskin lace up  shoes
Blue Amazon shoes  pic via denoto

aquazzura snakeskin  lace up shoes
pic via netrobe
aquazzurra pina colada shoes
"Pina Colada" shoes pic via fashion based
pic via Shoerazzi

Nude and black are the colors chosen for fall.

1 comment:

Paula said...

LOVE every pair! I think the yellow snake ones are my fav though ;-)

♥ Paula Shoe Fiend.