Siamo lì che ci trucchiamo, un attimo di distrazione ed ecco che l'ombretto cade per terra rompendosi in mille pezzi. Così decine di euro finiscono nel cestino. Proprio l'altro giorno senza volerlo ho rotto un ombretto della sfumatura di verde da me preferita e ho pensato che alla fine è solo polvere pressata, possibile che non si possa riparare?
Così ho cercato la soluzione su internet e credo di averla trovata!
you only need a few drops of alcohol
avete bisogno solo di qualche goccia di alcol
pour the alcohol into the eyeshadow
versate qualche goccia di alcol nell'ombretto

take a piece of tissue paper and press down over the powder with a flat surface (ideally big as the eyeshadow), really press!
prendete un pezzetto di carta o di stoffa e premete la polvere con una superficie piatta, io ho usato un tappo di bottiglia,premete con forza
the powder is now well pressed
ed ecco la polvere nuovamente pressata
I tried again with again with the orange eyeshadow
i'll leave them open for a few days to allow the alcohol to evaporate
lascerò gli ombretti all'aria qualche giorno per permettere all'alcol di evaporare completamente
I'm pretty satisfied with the result, I've turned the eyeshadow upside down and the powder stayed in place.
Here's the full video that teached me this technique:
Il metodo funziona, anche capovolti gli ombretti mantengono la forma
Qui sotto trovate il video dal quale ho imparato questa tecnica
Waw that's great! I would never thought of that. I really thought this can't be fixed. Does it only work with alcohol? What would happen if you would put in water?
You are a lifesaver!!!! I am doing this tonight with my broken shadows!!
Hi Barby, the advantage of using an high percentage alcohol is that it evaporates quickly and there are no odors left but I read that water,thermal water or lens drops can also be used.
Love this!
What a great tip!! I usually have the same problem with rouge. I'm sure this will work for any broken pressed powder makeup. Thanks for the wonderful solution!!
and thank you so much for educating me!!! I don't know my designers and never heard of Roberta di Camerino! I looked her up and now am a big fan. What a great idea: trompe l'oeil dress!! Now you got me wanting to make one, lol
Thank you, dear, I'm so ignorant when it comes to fashion. In some ways that is the reason I started my blog: to improve my personal style, and have fun along the way ;)
omg you are genuis, I brought this eye shadow from Ulta, by the time I got to my car I dropped the darn thing went back to Ulta asking if I can get the mfg to send me another and it was $38.00 they told me they were sorry, so i felt like i throw the $ down the toilet.
This will make loads of women happy, please add this awesome tut to our linking party this week at
@soccermomstyle I can't wait to see where inspiration will take you!
Trompe l'oeil is fun and surprising! :D
I had to share this on my blog at
What a helpful tip for clumsy people like me! :)
Molto Bene! Grazie!
You just saved me tons of $$$! Pinning you over at Pinterest!
If you have a moment today, please share this with my readers @Creative Juice Thursday. Hope to see you there!
Very nifty tip! Thanks!
I am all about the small details. I think I own more accessories than clothes!
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