Rihanna in Stella McCartney |
Miley Cyrus in Jean Paul Gaultier |
Women like to mix masculine and feminine clothes to obtain unexpected looks. A characteristic men garment like the
blazer can be transformed in a very sexy and feminine
mini dress. In order to get this look we have to balance the masculine jacket with feminine details so don't forget to wear high heels. We can
DIY a dress similar to the one
Miley Cyrus is wearing starting from an
oversized blazer or a
man jacket. While looking for the perfect jacket to customize pay attention to the lenght (that must be similar to a dress lenght) and the width of the shoulders. If the shoulders are too wide we can cut off the sleeves and sew a new armhole.
Sempre più spesso le donne si divertono a mescolare elementi maschili e femminili per ottenere dei look inaspettati. E così la giacca sartoriale, caposaldo del guardaroba maschile può diventare un sensuale ed impertinente mini dress. Attenzione però, è necessario controbilanciare i dettagli maschili con altri iperfemminili quindi gambe in primo piano e tacchi alti. Potete partire proprio da una oversize per realizzare un vestito simile a quello di Miley Cyrus. Nella ricerca della giacca perfetta da trasformare prestate attenzione alla lunghezza (che deve essere simile a quella di un vestito) e all'ampiezza delle spalle. Se quest'ultime dovessero essere troppo larghe potrete modificarle rimuovendo le maniche e ridefinendo il giromanica.
amazing! like!
Natalia, my-crazy-idea.blogspot.com
Love love love!!! Super stylish.
Rihanna's jacket is amazing!!
my DIYs ----------------> http://gkdone.blogspot.com/
very nice blog :)
I don't have any men's jackets that would sufficiently cover me up. Although Miley looks cute, I'd look like an idiot running around town in that. Perhaps something just a smidgen longer.
❀ It's Carmen
thank you!
@Carmen I agree with you. I'm also concerned by lenghts. These red carpet looks don't leave much to the imagination. I think we can get inspired by them finding a way to make it work in real life! :)
I really loved reading your blog. It was very well authored and easy to understand.
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