Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sportswear by Jeremy Scott for Adidas



We haven't talked about sportswear yet but i've found something that is worth showing.
I'm talking about the Jeremy Scott collection for Adidas.Yes Jeremy Scott the provocative designer of the prosciutto dress and this collection definitely has his name on it.
I think it's really difficult to design a sportswear collection because the focus is on functionality so creativity has some limits.This collection is extreme and creative at the same time.Let you show your personality even when you're running.Shoes with wings on it like the ones of mercury the messanger of zeus are clever and fun! My favorite piece of the collection,the one that convinced me writing this post is the winged jacket but I would buy every single piece of it.

Non abbiamo ancora mai parlato di abbigliamento sportivo perchè di solito quello che si indossa è abbastanza anonimo, basic e funzionale ma certo è un abbigliamento meno personalizzabile ed estroso.Ma ecco che la collezione di Jeremy Scott per Adidas ci smentisce. Questa collezione sportiva è creativa ed estrema allo stesso tempo senza rinunciare alla comodità tipica delle felpe.
Le scarpe con le ali,come i calzari di mercurio il veloce messaggero di zeus sono molto divertenti ma il mio pezzo preferito è la felpa con le ali!


Anonymous said...

I'm intending to run a 10K run in march for charity and would love to wear some of this crazy running gear! Although don't think I'd dare!

Matter Of Style said...

no, you absolutely have to stand out from the crowd!
make them say:
person 1:look that girl,she's running so fast!
another one: what girl?
person 1:the one with the winged top!
