Thursday, August 4, 2011

Two things i love

coffeepot shoes design by Kobi levi

There are two things in my life i'm never bored of: new shoes and my coffee in the mornin,this design,incredibly, have both.
These unconventional shoes are like those paintings with optical illusion: you look once you see a vase, the second time you see a couple kissing. You look once you see a boot, at a closer look, it's coffeepot pouring coffee!
Kobi Levi's design amazes everytime, if you don't like his humour you may say "what the hell is that?" but his shoes certaintly won't go unnoticed!

Ci sono due cose di cui non posso fare a meno: nuove scarpe e caffè e questo design,incredibile a dirsi coniuga entrambi.
Queste scarpe sono come quei dipinti con l'illlusione ottica: li guardi una volta e vedi un vaso, la seconda volta una coppia che si bacia. Qui vedi uno stivaletto e guardando meglio ecco che invece vedi la brocca che versa il caffè!
Kobi Levi riesce ogni volta a lasciarci di stucco. Se non siete fan del suo humour esclamerete: "Che diavolo di scarpe sono?" e avreste una reazione negativa, ma in ogni caso non potrete rimanere indifferenti.


Unknown said...

Wow so cool! At first I didn't know it was shoes but then wow I can't believe it. Haven't seen anything like this before :) And I haven't heard about kobi levi before.

Unknown said...

<3 coffee + <3 shoes = perfect match :)

AnneBallo said...

Just Stumbled Across Your Blog, I Followed :)
These shoes are so amazing. I have never seen anything like this!Its so creative!! Great find.

fashion infactuation

Unknown said...

Those are seriously one of the most epic shoes ever!!