Friday, July 22, 2011

Foldable sunglasses

a 11 mm thick case  for these concept sunglasses by Studio Klass for Luxottica via Take-IT-cool

There isn't summer without sunglasses but sometimes we don't know where to put them when taken off,their cases are big while our bags are small. Well the sunglasses above resolve the problem, they can be folded and become very small. There are Rayban but even a cheaper colored version i found for you. In the last pic you see a concept pair of sunglasses by the designer of Studio Klass made for Luxottica. They can be folded
and become only 11 mm thick and then can be stored in a stilysh thin black case.

In estate non possiamo fare a meno degli occhiali da sole. Non sempre perĂ² sappiamo dove metterli quando dobbiamo riporli, le custodie sono spesso ingombranti e le borsette mai abbastanza grandi. Questi occhiali risolvono il problema, si piegano e diventano veramente compatti. Ci sono i rayban ma ho scovato per voi anche un'opzione budget in versione colorata,in ultimo vedere un paio di occhiali frutto di un concept ideato dai designer dello Studio Klass si ripiegano fino a raggiungere lo spessore di 11 mm e possono essere riposti in uno stilosa custodia nera ultra sottile.


fashion suicides said...

I have the ray ban sunglasses! And I love them, it's so easy, you can bring them everywhere!


Unknown said...

This is so funny, I've never seen them like this before.

Anonymous said...

They remind me of sunglasses I used to have as a kid! They are less likely to break if they fold - as a serial abuser of sunglasses I need a pair of these! x

mtg said...

How lovely. Wouldn't mind a pair of foldable sunglasses at all.

V and S (zuckerfrei). said...

Io li adoro..sono comodissimi!