Sunday, April 3, 2011

Fur tails for spring:hot or not?

Prada Spring 2011

Anna Dello Russo at the fashion week

Louis Vuitton bag charms

Victoria Beckam with

It's a fashion prerogative to shuffle the cards,to suggest trends and accessories that have nothing to do with the characteristics of a season; do you remember summer shoes worn in winter without tights?
This time is the turn of fur worn in spring.Because of the weather we cannot actually wear fur jackets or stoles in summer and that's why this soft fabric changes shape and becomes a funny colored giant tail to carry around the city. I think they're funny as long as they are in faux fur,let's leave real tails attached to the rest of the animal! As every runway curiosity, fur tails have started to pop in high street shops,i've seen a whole box full of orange tails at H&M to wear as a bag charm. What do you think?Hot or not?How would you wear them?

E' una prerogativa della moda mischiare le carte,suggerire trend che vanno al di là delle caratteristiche di una stagione,vi ricordate dei sandali senza calze in inverno?
Questa volta è il turno della pelliccia indossata in primavera. Il clima estivo però ci impedisce di indossare giacche e stole in pelliccia quindi essa cambia forma e diventa una gigantesca coda colorata da portare a spasso per la città. Io lo trovo un trend divertente a patto che le code siano di pelliccia sintetica!Lasciamo le code vere attaccate al resto dell'animale,il legittimo proprietario. Come tutti i must-have di stagione,le code colorate hanno cominciato a fare la loro comparsa nelle grandi catene di negozi,ho visto un intero cesto di code arancioni ad H&M da attaccare alla borsetta.Che ne pensate?Come la indossereste?


Carly J. Cais said...

I know! I too, find this trend dubious. The Louis Vuitton and Prada ones are REAL fur, so I've been kinda put off by that.
I actually make and sell faux fur tails in my Etsy shop ( since I was grossed out by the idea of swinging a dead animal part from my bag.>:-P I just couldn't find the faux fur ones anywhere, so I made them myself!!
The brighter colors for Spring I'm going to be adding soon to my's really hard to find bright-colored plush fur like the Prada...

Matter Of Style said...

Hi Carly,
thanks for the infos!