Tuesday, November 27, 2012

DIY 5 Christmas chic gifts for your friends and coworkers

bag diy, fashion diy, bag accessory, free pattern

Less than a month to Christmas. It's time to find the perfect gift for anyone! Are you looking for the surprise effect? It will be easier to make unique gifts if you take the time to DIY them.

Today we'll make a gift for your friends and coworkers. Don't give the same gift to all of them, their tastes are different. This is a fun accessory to decorate your bag. Each friend has his own personality but all women love shoes just find the one that better suit them.

You can download the free pattern for all these small shoes  and join the fun!

Your fashionista friend is the one that wears the latest trends and shares style advices with the group. She'll love the iconic Armadillo shoe.

 The mommy in your work group is always busy with home, kids, work and still finds the time to make biscuits at home. How can she do it? Nobody knows. Her perfect shoe is the Zanotti heeless wedge, magically balanced.

Your youngest workmate is an enthusiastic but it's also inexperienced, she still walks the office in her sporty shoes. She'll learn from you how to be professional at work.

The reliable is your favorite coworker. If you give her a job she'll do it on time. You can count on her just like you can count on your classic pumps, they can save any look! We'll do a mary jane for her.

Each office has one, the coworker with the spirit of a leader. She can be aggressive sometimes but she's determined to do well her job, maybe her ideas will take the team to the next level. Her shoe is high and studded.

Natale è alle porte, pronte per la corsa ai regali?
Può essere molto stressante correre da un negozio all'altro tentando di accontentare tutti. Siete alla ricerca del fattore sorpresa? Fare un regalo unico sarà più facile se sarete voi a confezionarlo.  
Oggi realizziamo un regalo per le amiche colleghe che sono con noi tutta la giornata.
Guai a fare a tutte lo stesso regalo, sono tutte diverse ma ognuna di loro porta sempre con sé la sua borsa; oggi la decoreremo con degli accessori a forma di scarpa, una diversa per ognuna di loro.
Scaricate il modello gratuito delle scarpe  e 


  1. Thanks for the idea :)


  2. your blog is so awesome,I want to try everything!
    I'm a new follower! Giveaway on my blog!

  3. Hi Ester, thank you, I'm happy to get to know you! thanks for reading!! :D

  4. Great idea!
