Thursday, September 6, 2012

Glitters are (on the) back on fall shoes

miu miu, glitter shoes, glitter soles
Back to glitters! Miu Miu fall 2012
lanvin, jimmy choo, glitter shoes, glitter soles
Cristals on the soles : Lanvin fall 2012 - Jimmy Choo crystal shoes

When red soles became synonymous of exclusive and famous shoes we learned to notice the sole!
It's the most hidden part of the shoe and the one with the shortest life since it's in touch with the floor but it's also the protagonist of fall collections. Glitters are back on Miu Miu shoes while Lanvin and Jimmy Choo choose more expensive and precious crystals. If you want special effects on your soles get your white glue and a pot of glitters then click here!
To see how to apply glitters click here.

Dal quando le suole rosse sono diventate il tratto distintivo di scarpe famose e ambite abbiamo imparato a dare importanza anche a lei, la suola. E' la parte meno in vista della scarpa, quella a contatto con l'asfalto e destinata a rovinarsi per prima.Oggi ha smesso di essere anonima e diventa addirittura protagonista di alcune collezioni invernali. Come lo scorso inverno i glitter adornano le scarpe Miu Miu mentre Lanvin e Jimmy Choo scelgono i piĆ¹ preziosi cristalli. Se anche voi volete stupire con effetti speciali sulle suole non vi resta che armarvi di colla vinilica e porporina e cliccare qui.


  1. I like these ones better than the miu miu glitter collection from last winter. Looks much more elegant with just a little touch of glitter on the heels and the soles. Nice inspiration


  2. haha just left a totally unrelated comment on your blog because my internet is stuffing up. Sorry about that. PS Love the pink Jimmy Choo pair!

  3. This is a women shoes. i like this shoes. Thanks.Cheap Shoes

  4. I just made a pair of glitter pumps. Do you think it will be too much now that the trend is glitter on the back only?

  5. @Afayah Don't be afraid to shine! Diy is freedom to create your own style! Glitters shoes are cool!
    I'll wait your next post to admire yours! :D

  6. here it is! what do you think?
